The Madrid Meetings February 2008

I will merge this stuff with the Hann Munden meeting site

Adaptive Traits Needed for Breeding Zones Delineation  25th - 26th February 2008
Presentation: Dag Lindgren :Targets in Swedish Tree Improvement of Scots pine and Norway spruce. Sweden uses targets and target areas rather than fixed zones.
PowerPoint show at DagL web Powerpointshow at Treebreedex web 

Plasticity Adaptation in Forest Trees  Madrid (Spain), 27th - 29th February 2008
(note a forest adaptation meeting in Umeå announced
Dag Lindgren: Modelling the performance over a range of sites using genetic flexibility (plasticity). A method and program for analysing and evaluating the quantitative consequences of zone size and width of genetic components for a plantation material by aid of the Caushy function and a parabolic approximation was made and application for Scots pine in Sweden was presented. An analyse of "Planters guide" was presented.
Long abstract
PowerPoint show   Powerpointshow at Treebreedex web
Site Nr&Range  link to a place where I have an EXCEL sheet for the calculations....

Slide shows from the meetings are on Treebreedex intranet

No of the three Spanish participant homepages was in English (INIA had a promising button, but it did not work), and no meeting webs were constructed, so rather little information was available beforehand. Neither a conference proceedings will appear after the conference, thus it is not worth to work harder with the presentations.

Past meeting of possible relevance to the two meetings above
Seed transfer: what we know? Graupa (Germany) 13-16/01/2008 (Pesentations at TREEBREEDEX intranet)

EU formed a committee about elephants, the first task was a fact finding mission and members reported back