Coancestry and group merit selection

Here some links within the site which are connected with the concepts group coancestry and group merit selection are placed.

The concepts coancestry, coancestry matrix, group coancestry and status number are highly relevant, the sheet     COANCESTRY_MATRIX.xls offers an introduction to these concepts.

A program for calculation the status number and thus also group coancestry (group coancestry can also be called average coancestry or average kinship, it is a measure of gene diversity and also average relatedness and its reverse is half the status number) was developed on New Zealand by Gea, Jefferson and Weaver, click here for these files.

A status number calculator was developed by Milan Lstiburek, you can download it from his site.

Group merit selection (I did not call it so initially) is a way to compromise between gain and relatedness. An excel sheet has been constructed that demonstrates how selection can be optimized by balancing gain and group coancestry in a simple example (selecting 3 out of 5) by Yongqi Zheng and Dag Lindgren for Windows 95, click here.

There are some tutorial tools:

Quantitative Genetics is a mini-course text focusing on coancestry and status number aspects,

A number of examples for training concerning group coancestry and connected concepts can be found on a file with most of the solutions.


Literature, which may be mentioned in this connection, is:

Lindgren D, Gea LD, & Jefferson PA 1997. Status number for measuring genetic diversity. Forest Genetics 4(2) 69-76

Lindgren D & MullinTJ 1997. Balancing gain and relatedness in selection. Silvae Genetica. 46:124-129.

Zheng YQ, Lindgren D, Rosvall O & Westin J. 1997. Combining genetic gain and diversity by considering average coancestry in clonal selection of Norway spruce. Theor Appl Genet 95:1312-1319.

Rosvall, O. and Andersson, E.W. 1999. Group-merit selection compared to conventional restricted selection for trade-offs between genetic gain and diversity. Forest Genetics 6: 1-14.

This file was last edited by Dag Lindgren 2001-08-21