Status number calculation

A program for calculation the status number and thus also group coancestry (group coancestry can also be called average coancestry or average kinship, it is a measure of gene diversity and also average relatedness and its reverse is half the status number) was developed on New Zealand by Gea, Jefferson and Weaver, click here to see these files on this directory. Where is a manual, "manual.doc", in word, a "status.exe" program and two example data sets "ex**.dat" in ascii. Download and run from your own computer! Note that the organised example is simpler to start with as the other has examples of mistakes. Note also that nothing happens after loading until you ask for a calculation. Prize or blame could be directed to

Literature, which may be mentioned in this connection, is:

Lindgren D, Gea LD, & Jefferson PA 1997. Status number for measuring genetic diversity. Forest Genetics 4(2) 69-76

This file was last edited by Dag Lindgren 2001-03-22