Sequoia project
Dag Lindgren together with Katarina and their extended family spent the last days when Dag Lindgren was employed as professor of forest genetics and Dags 67 birthday planting sequioia on several locaties in Turkey at end of September 2009. The idea arose in connection to the low input conference in Antalaya 2006. Seeds donated by Bill Libby at the start of the conference was used to produce plants. Some of the plants were used by us, others were used in a single large plantation. This started as an operation heading for Sequoia plantings at Mount Ararat 2008 with a party of 7, but changed to plantations close to Isparta autumn 2009 on 5+ sites with a party of 9.
Links to newspaper articless connecting to the plantings
A photo show from the planting at facebook (Linnea Åström)!/photo.php?pid=2710990&id=659168444
Background for plantings
Details about the planting operations for my family