Sequoia planting
The seeds
Dag responded: Kani’s suggestion is excellent. What imagination! Mark the meeting for the foreseeable future by sowing some Sequoia seeds for trees which will grow into the next millennia! For a low input breeding program, what can be more efficient than increasing the breeding cycling time to 1000 years? Nebi can see to the seeding And to let Bill, your academic father, and one of the Worlds and sequoias lead druids, play an instrumental role in this by bringing the seeds and so initiate this millennia long event chain. Technosaur or not. But how to proceed to do this in a ceremonial way so it marks the meeting?
Bill responded to the idea
Sequoia seeds were handed over at the opening speech by Bill from him to the Turkish hosts.
Background about Sequioa
As an introduction to Sequoia the following links may be helpful
There is a description of
among other matters Sequoia in its natural setting at
A Canadian effort with giant sequoia
Frost resistent Sequoia in Germany
Background about Ararat
Why am I so interested in Sequoia plantings at Ararat?? Well, one reason maybe that Ararat in Turkish =Agri DAG (omitting some minor problems with Turkish letters IT cannot handle). I am
Dag from the Swedish Agricultural University, thus “Agri-Dag”.The ploy started when
Bill thought that his student Kani once had planted Sequoia on Ararat. "KANI ISIK HAS (APPARENTLY SUCCESSFULLY) PLANTED SOME GIANT SEQUOIAS ON MT ARARAT. THAT SHOULD GIVE THE NEXT ARK SOME PROBLEMS...."That triggered Dag to associate about Noah's Ark which stranded at Ararat. "Now it seems that Bill inspirated some Sequoia planting where and Bill remarked that this may cause trouble for the next ark. I commented to Nebi and he said that I would be welcome for a trip in the future to Ararat and why not bring my son also. So maybe our lives take an unexpected path:-)
1) When a visiting scientist in NZ 2003, I saw a cartoon on the board of Luigi Gea and it found its way to the cover of Run-Peng Weis thesis (about diversity)... (slide 19 in the powerpoint show under 2).
2) I had a speech in Finland, and I called it (inspirated by Wei thesis cover) arker-assisted-selection. This is funny only in Swenglish and Finnglish, which most people at Nordic meetings master, as EXCEL- "sheet" is "ark" in Swedish. .
3) But Ark and Ararat tracks back longer
than that in my family. To honor the 80th year birthday of my
mothers-mothers-father July 17 1929 my grandmother (with her
sisters as co-authors)
wrote a thesis, a follow up of some of Darwin's ideas, which was
animated at the occassion
The story is: Noah sampled species in pairs for his
ark. They were left to live unorganised in dark and dull conditions
without much to do for a long time. What would logically be expected?
Yes, whose who stepped out at Ararat were all types of bastards.
Recombination is one of the cornerstones of evolution and that life was
so successful after the Ark to repopulate earth is certainly partly a
result of hybrid vigor. Mount Ararat The Biblic Ark
Bill made a suggestion to see the Sequoia on Mt Ararat. That triggered a response from Kani Isik raising the idea of new plantations to give memoirs to be left to the next millenia.
Dags arguing
"If there are no sequoias planted on Mount Ararat, this is certainly the proper moment to remedy that awkward situation. Kani’s suggestion is excellent. What imagination! Mark the meeting for the foreseeable future by sowing some Sequoia seeds for trees which will grow into the next millennia! For a low input breeding program, what can be more efficient than increasing the breeding cycling time to 1000 years?
Nebi can see to the seeding. And to let Bill, your academic father, and one of the Worlds and sequoias lead druids, play an instrumental role in this by bringing the seeds and so initiate this millennia long event chain. Technosaur or not. But how to proceed to do this in a ceremonial way so it marks the meeting?"
After the meeting Dag continued to argue:
When taking a deeper jump into the theology I suspect that “Ararat” is probably a Biblic misconception (mistake in translation at some point in the editing of the Holy book). Ararat referred “initially” at that time to a larger area than the mountain, probably a small country. Probably milder spots can be found in that wider geographic area than if just referring to the massive itself. That would help in finding relevant home for the sequoia, even if we must admit that they will then not be much of an obstacle for the next Ark, as initially suggested by Bill.
Concerning adaptation to the cold, I thought on the matter in a NATO sponsored workshop at Iceland at the good old days of cold war and made some calculations supporting that a few generations natural selection will be enough (e.g. to change a southern Scots pine to a northern), I think I have to blow the dust from these calculations. But I have to wait for the next symposium on low input breeding whenever that takes place?
and got a reponse from Bill:I am pretty convinced that if they can control the goats, giant sequoia will do at least OK and maybe very well between 1000 and 2000 m elevation in the Taurus Mountains above Antalya. If so, it will probably look better in 2,300 years than those remarkable Greek and Roman ruins we saw. The difference being that a 2,300 year old giant sequoia is only 2/3 to its maximum age, and is still self-repairing, while those stone structures, alas, are not.