Breeding and
genetics of forest trees
This is a major entry to
Dag Lindgren's website
Tree Breeding Tools
(TBT), programs for analyzing and optimizing tree breeding
The research group managed by Dag Lindgren
Education in Tree Breeding and Forest Genetics
Lindgren's personal homepage
(to TBT, but relevant for the whole web)
The lower part of this page is used for news and links
to matters, which may appear or I would like to focus your attention on. It
will be a mixture of matters of interest to the World or just a few people
around me with an emphasis on Sweden, Nordic, Tree Breeding, Breeding Theory.
The content depends on what catches my attention or I happen to be informed
about. I have no intention to be fully covering. For discussions, there is FORESTGEN,
but I will also make some additional efforts in different forms. If you want
something announced here or have comments, let me know. This service will
probably continue until 2007. If you find this resource valuable, you may want
to tip a colleague or student about its existence.
A research school
in forest genetics and tree breeding has been initiated in Sweden (more details
in the Swedish section below). For my group it seems likely a PhD student, who
should do research in breeding theory focusing on establishment of seed
orchards will be recruited in the near future. This research means intimate
cooperation with Industry establishing seed orchards (formal employment will be
with Industry, benefits are likely to include full salary for five years). This
ought to be suitable and attractive for those heading for a carrier associated
with forest tree breeding. Please, focus the attention of this to potential
applicants! They are welcome to initiate
a contact with me on email.
Links to forest genetic and
tree breeding organizations. Please, inform me about the best link to your
organization if you think it should be included in the list or if the link representing
your organization should be improved!
A plant
breeding Nordic-Baltic post graduate course is arranged in Norway in June 2004.
Forest tree breeding post graduate students or active workers or breeders are
welcome. Information is also available at NOVA web:
Annual bulletin Forest
Genetic Resources, produced byFAO's Forest Resources Development Service
I have arranged a tree
breeding course in English full time one month in November the last four years.
The last of these courses will be given in November 2003,
but no course is planned for 2004 (this has little with students interest to
do, but is connected to an administrative change). The course is recommended
for undergraduates Worldwide, who want to specialize in forest tree breeding;
or doctorands in tree breeding related subjects, who have a weak background in
formal forest tree breeding and forest genetics. A similar course may appear
again earliest in the autumn 2005, when with higher demands for prior
knowledge, and probably including more basic forest genetic issues like
evolution. This is because of changes in our undergraduate programs.
Forest Genetic resources: their use and
conservation A conference held in
Húsavík, Iceland, August 27-29, 2003 by the Nordic Group for the Management of
Genetic Resources of Trees. Information
about the meeting, my lecture (about the number of clones in seed orchards)
abstract and slide show and some pictures.
The position as Leiter des Instituts fur Forstgenetik und
ForstPlanzenzuchtung in Hamburg is open for applications.
NCSU (Tim Mullin) has taken an initiative around the activities of
breeding and genetics in south US; you can apply to
subscribe to a mailing service.
had a discussion about terminology. Group coancestry can be shared into two
components: Self-coancestry
and Pair-coancestry. Or what do you think?
Evolutionary and Ecological Genomics of Forest Trees, Sept. 2004, Asilomar, CA
Eftersom "forskarskolan" har
en forskarassistent under tillsättande som huvudsakligen skall syssla med detta
torde det vara av stort intresse att den forskare som närmast skall hålla i
detta åker på konferensen:
17-18 October 2003, Turin, Italy.
"Marker assisted selection: A fast track to increase genetic gain in plant
and animal breeding?" An international workshop, organized by the
Fondazione per le Biotechnologie, the University of Turin and FAO, that aims to
focus and spread significant results obtained through the application of marker
assisted selection, as well as to discuss advantages and drawbacks of molecular
marker application to crop and animal breeding, with particular emphasis for
the benefits of developing countries. Deadline for registration 10 October. See
for more information.
Biotech links, there are
plenty, I found one informative at it seems
like they try to arrange some national people debate in UK these days!
a site where links to positions, meetings, list of URL where proceedings,
genome resources, directory to forest tree breeders, etc. may be found.
A Course in Thailand in tropical
forestry heading on Nordic students. Nordic tree breeders (including me)
get more and more involved in Tropical countries, so some research student in
tree breeding or forest genetics may see this as a good idea.
The information available on this site mid
August 03 is found here
Nordic News in Scandinavian:
skogsbrukets frö och plantråd, där för närvarande Lennart Ackzell är
ordförande och Carina Strömberg sekreterare, har en hemsida. Där kan man bl a
hitta planer på och dokumentation från konferenser och temadagar och länkar.
Swedish News:
årsrapport från det första cooperativet i södra USA, lägg märke till att i historiken
överst på sid 10 utpekas Åke Gustavsson, den första professorn i skogsgenetik i
Sverige, som den tändande gnistan till förädlingen i södra USA.
En ny företagsforskarskola med inriktning på
skogsgenetik och trädförädling kommer att startas vid Sveriges
Lantbruksuniversitet, finansieringen är säkrad och rekrytering har påbörjats. En
pressrelease har utfärdats. Den
första påtagliga aktiviteten är att
identifiera två lämpliga forskarassistenttjänster med anknytning till
kvantitativ genetik.
Sept 5 2003 it is a quarter of a century since I and
many with me were deported from Stockholm north to Umeå. I have now sat in the
same office for 25 years and would not object to remain here for another 25
years! The background to our institution (the
Department of Forest Genetics and Plant Physiology) was written as
the department is now 25 years old. But now it seems that I will be transferred
to another house at March 2004, but if so, my mailing address and affiliation
will not change.
gör det möjligt för SLU "forskare" och skogsgenetikdoktorander att
vistas i Raleigh, USA (som jag själv gjorde i början på 2003).
Svenskar skogsträdsförädlare skulle förmodligen vilja delta i
avelsarbete för att åstadkomma en bättre ny skog, det låter som om New Forest avel, vore en intressant länk
i det sammanhanget...??
Föreningen sammanträder i Stockholm 17 november 2003 och
fördelar då pengar till sökte projekt, så det är en god idé för intresserade
att börja jobba med dessa projekt nu. Rådgivande grupp Skogsodlingsmaterial
sammanträder i Skåne maj 2004.
Skogsbruk är ju inte bara om att skapa snabbväxande träd,
utan också att få ner dem…
Comments: IT is dynamic, rules, program, webmasters ideas, security
constraints, links, administrative factors, and my own ideas are not constant
over time and IT-environments and I make mistakes sometimes. Thus, do not be
too surprised if things do not work as I expected them to (e.g. links do not
work or you are not authorized to look). If something worked before it may
still be at this web, but on another place, try browsing. Get in touch with me
if you really want to solve a problem. I get few comments about this web. but
most are that things like links does not work. One reason maybe that much of
the links are done with Microsoft programs and thus incompatibility with the
competitors browser Netscape.
This page was last edited 03-09-28