Turkey plantation 2009 operation

about celebrating etc.

This page is related to the page about Sequia planting in Turkey

When the cover will show my last week as an employed professor in forest genetics. I become 67 090927. I was employed as professor of forest genetics 771001, I have served exactly 32 years 090930.


A good wish...:

"Here is my original contribution to your retirement rite of passage come October 2009 (but -- this is akin to Cassandra, the soothsayer of the Greek mythology, no one will believe me anyway but here it is when the occasion comes):  "Knowledge, as with life, is cyclic rather than linear. Thus we can only hope that our younger colleagues will be humble when choosing what is pertinent and what is stale, what to keep and what to throw away. Take heed. What one perceives as the past can prove to be the future. As a case in point, I offer the relevance of forestry in emerging climate change policy solutions."  Claire Williams  for my esteemed colleague  Professor Dag Lindgren"