Seed Orchard Book
The Working party plans to edit a book. At the WP business meeting 2012 it was decided that Milan Lstiburek is responsible. The only chapter received till now is from Nebi Bilir and it needs to be complemented. It seems now (mid 2014) that Milan has no time and put the project on ice:
Mid 2014 a seed orchard text has been initiated in farsi (Forests and Rangelands Research, Iran), if someone is interested in this contact, the email is Hossein Mirzaie-Nodoushan [].
The literature compilation on this web can be a help for authors of chapters and can give inspiration for chapters.
Since December 09 there has been a discussion going on how to structure the book into chapters and what authors to ask…
An outline and list of chapters by YEK was distributed May11
An effort to suggest a chapter text with Lindgren and Kang preliminary written a long time ago
A smaller project is to edit articles about seed orchards on Wikopedia. Dag Lindgren has contributed the basis in
Swedish and English and rather little has been contributed by others. Those who
see this and has an interest to participate are welcome to do so (anyone can
add to wikopedia):
English version:
Swedish version:öplantager