Newsletter October 01
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Härmed tillkännages att skogsmästare Torgny Persson, Inst för
skoglig genetik och växtfysiologi vid SLU i Umeå, för avläggande av skoglig
licentiatexamen i ämnet Skogsgenetik försvarar en avhandling med titeln:
Genetic characterization of growth and survival in northern Scots pine
Tid: Fredagen den 5 oktober 2001, kl 10.00
Plats: Hörsal Björken, SLU, Umeå
Avhandlingen finns tillgänglig på Institutionen för skoglig genetik och
växtfysiologi i Umeå, Förvaltningsavdelningen och Skogsbiblioteket i Umeå samt
på Ultunabiblioteket fr o m den 14 september 2001.
A link to the thesis
Molecular genetics
Reza Yazdani is out
of job from October 1, 2001 (he has got some soft funding which could cover his
own salary for some time, but it was considered too little and would cover too short
time). Reza worked with “molecular genetics” (biokemisk genetik) at the Umeå
department before he moved to the Uppsala department. Thus Uppsala is closing down their molecular genetics at almost
exactly the same time as Umeå is closing their. Alfred Szmidt is in Japan and
if you are interested about his work and cooperation patterns, you can visit
his site (he is still formally employed at our department and may return and
revitilise the lab at the end of the year, but it seems now very unlikely that
this will happen).
Professor in Forest Genetics
Katri Kärkkäinen is the newest professor in Forest Genetics at the
Finnish Forest Research Institute (replaces Veikko Koski). The first female
professor in the history of the Institute. Photo and, for those of you who
understand Finnish, other information is on
She was among the applicants for the position after Gösta Eriksson, but
withdraw her application.