IUFRO Division 2 Joint Conference:

Low input breeding and genetic conservation of forest tree species

Proceedings from the meeting can be found in this web structure at
and also on the web of the conference chair (Fikret Isik) at NCSU http://www4.ncsu.edu/~fisik/IUFRO%20Antalya%20Conference-Proceedings.pdf

I have formulated impressions (inluding some slides)

Lindgren, D & Wei RP 2007. Low-input tree breeding strategies. In Proceedings of the IUFRO Division 2 Joint Conference: Low Input Breeding and Conservation of Forest Genetic Resources: Antalya, Turkey, 9-13 October 2006. Edited by Fikret Isik. p 124-138.  Slideshow   Paper

Kamalakannan R, Varghese M, Bilir N & Lindgren D 2007. Conversion of a Progeny Trial of Eucalyptus tereticornis to a Seedling Seed Orchard Considering Gain and Fertility. In Proceedings of the IUFRO Division 2 Joint Conference: Low Input Breeding and Conservation of Forest Genetic Resources: Antalya, Turkey, 9-13 October 2006. Edited by Fikret Isik. p 93-99. Paper

Bilir N, Kang KS & Lindgren D 2007. Fertility variation and gene diversity in a clonal seed orchard of Pinus sylvestris In Proceedings of the IUFRO Division 2 Joint Conference: Low Input Breeding and Conservation of Forest Genetic Resources: Antalya, Turkey, 9-13 October 2006. Edited by Fikret Isik. p 21-27  Poster   Paper

Lindgren D, Tellalov Y & Prescher F 2007. Seed set for Scots pine grafts is difficult to predict In Proceedings of the IUFRO Division 2 Joint Conference: Low Input Breeding and Conservation of Forest Genetic Resources: Antalya, Turkey, 9-13 October 2006. Edited by Fikret Isik. p 139-141.   Poster   Long abstract  


Some relevant documents from earlier occassions:
 Some reflexions on low budget breeding at a visit to India 2005
Reflections on low-input breeding with ash (in Swedish)
Lindgren, D 2003. Low-input tree breeding strategies. In  Eucalyptus Plantations – Research, Management and Development, R.-P. Wei and D. Xu (eds), World Scientific, Singapore, 149-166. Slideshow  Proceedings paper

Impressions from Turkey and Scots pine in Turkey in particular

The Sequoia ploy.

I tried to trigger a discussion about low-input breeding to get a discussion going on at a new site by working party breeding theory and progeny testing, after three years has passed it has no success and the discussion effort at large seem to have got dormant. I also wanted to give a message to Swedish Forestry that they may have an advanced breeding program, but they should focus more on using what is easy to do and less on to demonstrate themselves futuristic.

Last edit 090418