SLU’s genetic field trials

There exists a Nordic register over long-term field trials, “noltfox”, to which SLU has reported centrally (based on departments reports and classifications). Under the subject field “Genetic diversity and breeding”, there are 300 trials at SLU, of which 40 were established 1990-1995 and 2 after 1995 (based on a reading 2000 on “active” field trials established later than 1989 with subject “genetic diversity and breeding”).

The latest established field trial (based on reading 2003) at the departments within SLU at that time (departments reorganize sometime)

There is a list of the field trials of the department of forest genetics and plant physiology at

According to the departmental register our department has 107 “active” long time field trials. All are conifers. 79 were established before 1990, 28 1990-1995 and no after 1996.

It may be noted that this trend does not mainly reflect differences among departments, but seem to reflect an SLU trend. 

Forest genetics at SLU can certainly live some time without establishing field trials. Many field trials already exists. And it may even be a reasonable “sharing of tasks” that future long term field activities are done by SkogForsk. But the prognosis for forest genetic field trials at SLU is bleak. 

SLU´s  stated basic concept is :
To develop man's understanding and sustainable use of biological natural resources.
In my opinion this concept is not trustworthy if long term forest genetics field trials are left to SkogForsk. A governmental University ought to be more concerned with long term sustainability than the more applied industrial controlled “commercial” SkogForsk. I believe that the trend in recent establishment reflects a declining interest and competence to deal with old tests, which is a more serious matter.