

Contributions from members to the European Commission Special Committee for Elephants


Rttur Ēslendingen til ad stj`rna filaveidum I landi ag innan 200 milianna. (IS)

(The exclusive rights of Iceland to all elephants within 200 nautic miles from Iceland)


Hvordan man tillreder en elefant; or

Hvordan man brygger rl af en elefant (DK)

(How to cook an elephant; or: How to brew beer from an elephant)


Kun min@ n@in vaaleanpunaisen elefantin saunassa (FIN)

(When I saw a pink elephant in the sauna)


 Pasihlyna, kaip sisjsti padevetus deamblius kaip Europeas labdana dietuvas (LITHUANIA)

(Proposal to import second hand elephants into Lithuania)


Kuidas müüa india elevant Rootsi vôimalikult soodsalt ja tollivabalt? (EST)

(How to sell elephants from Estonia to Sweden without custom control?)


Mouoakais ano Ejevovra (GR)

(How to make Mousaka from an elephant)


L’amour des Elefants (F)

(The love of elephants}


Eine kurze introduktion der Leben des Elefanten (GER)

(A short introduction to elephant life)


Norge øg vi Norrmen (N)

(Norway and we Norwegians)


Vad Sverige gjorde for elefanterna under andra världskriget (S)

(What Sweden did for the elephants during the second world war)


Sobre como los elefantes pueden caminar sobre el filo del cuchillo (ES)

(On how the elephants can walk on the edge of a blade)


Un elefante si dondolava sopra un filo di una ragnatela e ritenendo la cosa interessante, andō a chiamare un altro elefante. Due elefanti….(I)

(An elephant was swaying on a spider...)


When I shot a big elephant (GB)