Some articles from the 90th
Here I offer some articles, where I do not think copy-right considerations prevents this type of spreading of the material. The material is difficult to access via the ordinary library organisation and not printed by professional printers. The files may not represent the final printed version of the document. Even if I do not claim the copyright, others (other authors or some copy-right owner) may do, so use the material as careful as you would with a photocopy.
The articles can be
directly viewed and fetched from the directory
although some of them can be seen by clicking on them.
Note that articles released after 1999 are reached through other pages
Some of the articles offered are:
Lindgren D. 1995. Radiatatallen på Nya Zeeland. In Swedish. Föreningen Skogsträdsförädling. Årsbok 1994, pp 6-24. Lindgren D & Mullin TJ 1997. Genetic variance within a full sib family. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. Department of Forest Genetics and Plant Physiology. Arbetsrapport 55:1-4.Lindgren D & Karlsson B 1993. Cheaper improved Norway spruce
seeds for Sweden. In Rone V
(editor). Norway spruce provenances and breeding.
Proceedings of IUFRO
(S2.2-11) Symposium in
Latvia, 14-18 September, 1993. Latvian Forestry Research Institute, Riga. Pp
224- 230.
This page was last edited by Dag Lindgren 01-09-14