Articles 2008, 2009 & 2010
This publication list covers Dag Lindgren's publications 2008-2010. There are sometimes abstracts or even complete articles, which can be read by clicking or downloading. It may also sometime link to full articles and link to programs which are on or connected to this web site and illustrate features or implement methods which are mentioned in the article.
2008 published
Bilir N, Prescher F, Lindgren D & Kroon J 2008.Variation in cone and seed characters in clonal seed orchards of Pinus sylvestris . New Forests 36:187-199.
Danusevicius D & Lindgren D 2008 "Strategies for optimal deployment of related clones into seed orchards" Silvae Genetica 57:119-127
El-Kassaby YA & Lindgren D 2008. Increasing the Efficiency of Breeding Without Breeding through Phenotypic Pre-selection in Open Pollinated Progenies. In: Byram ED (editor) Proceeding 29th STFIC/WFGA meeting in Galveston Texas June 19-22, 2007. p15-19.
Fries A, Lindgren D & Andersson B 2008. The Swedish Scots Pine Seed Orchard Västerhus. In Lindgren D (editor) Proceedings of a Seed Orchard Conference, Umeå, Sweden, 26-28 September 2007. p 70-77.
Lindgren D (editor) Proceedings of a Seed Orchard Conference, Umeå, Sweden, 26-28 September 2007. ISBN:978-91-85911-28-8. 256 pages.
Lindgren D & Danusevičius D 2008 Deployment of clones to seed orchards when candidates are related In Lindgren D (editor) Proceedings of a Seed Orchard Conference, Umeå, Sweden, 26-28 September 2007: 135-141.
Lindgren D, Karlsson B, Andersson B & Prescher F, 2008. The Swedish seed orchard program for Scots pine and Norway spruce. In Lindgren D (editor) Proceedings of a Seed Orchard Conference, Umeå, Sweden, 26-28 September 2007. pp 142-154.
Lindgren D & Prescher F 2008. Bättre fröplantager för Sveriges framtid. Skogfakta 2-2008.
Lindgren D. 2008. Frötäkt och frötäktsområden av gran och tall i Sverige. Skogsstyrelsen. Rapport 8-2008. pp 38.
Lindgren D. 2008. Seed orchard conference. Mangfold Issued by Nordgen. June 2008
Lindgren D. 2008. IMMEDIATE GENETIC CHANGES IN TREE DEPLOYMENT AND BREEDING BECAUSE OF GLOBAL WARMING. Conference book on adaptation, Umeå August 2008 p 146.
Lindgren D, Danusevičius D & Rosvall O 2008. Balanced forest tree improvement can be enhanced by selecting among many parents but keeping balance among grandparents. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 38(11): 2797–2803.
Moriguchi Y, Prescher F & Lindgren D 2008. Optimum lifetime for Swedish Picea abies seed orchards. New Forests 35:147-157.
Nicodemus A, Varghese M, Nagarajan B and Lindgren D 2008. Fertility Variation across Years in Two Clonal Seed Orchards of Teak and its Impact on Seed Crop. Proceedings of a Seed Orchard Conference, Umeå, Sweden, 26-28 September 2007:189-194
Prescher F, Lindgren D & Karlsson B 2008. Genetic Thinning of Clonal Seed Orchards using Linear deployment may improve both gain and diversity. Forest Ecology and Management 254: 188-192.
Varghese, M., R. Kamalakannan., A. Nicodemus., and D. Lindgren. 2008. Fertility variation and its impact on seed crops in seed production areas in a natural stand of teak in southern India. Euphytica 160: 131-141.
2009 in press or published on net
Lindgren D, Danusevičius D & Rosvall O
Unequal deployment of clones
to seed orchards by considering genetic gain, relatedness and gene diversity.
Forestry, published on net
Kroon J, Wennström U, Prescher F, Lindgren D and Mullin TJ 2009. Cone set over time and clones in a seed orchard. Silvae Genetica: in press.
Nicodemus A, Varghese M, Nagarajan B and Lindgren D 2009. Annual Fertility Variation in Clonal Seed Orchards of Teak (Tectona grandis L.f.) and its Impact on Seed Crop. Silvae Genetica in press.
Lindgren D 2009. A way to utilise the advantages of clonal forestry for Norway spruce? Working Papers of the Finnish Forest Research Institute 0: 00–00
2009 published
2010 in press
Last edited 08-12-24