Articles 2006 & 2007
This publication list covers Dag Lindgren's publications 2006-2007. There are sometimes abstracts or even complete articles, which can be read by clicking or downloading. It may also sometime link to full articles and link to programs which are on or connected to this web site and illustrate features or implement methods which are mentioned in the article.
Bilir N, Prescher F, Ayan S and Lindgren D 2006. Growth characters and number of strobili in clonal seed orchards of Pinus sylvestris. Euphytica 152:293-301.
Danusevičius D & Lindgren D. 2006. Optimization of long term breeding strategies for cyclic within family selection IUFRO 2.04.02 Breeding theory and progeny testing Newsletters 1:26.
Li H & Lindgren D. 2006. Comparison of phenotype and combined index selection at optimal breeding population size considering gain and gene diversity. Silvae Genetica:13-19.
Lindgren D. 2006. Forest Seed orchards and gene diversity. Nordic GENEresources. Issued in Scandinavian, Finnish and English by Nordic Council of Ministers 5: 18-19. On-line editions can be found at
Lindgren D. 2006. Färre kloner i framtida fröplantager. PlantAktuellt 2006 (4) sid 8.
Prescher F, Lindgren D and El-Kassaby Y 2006. "Is linear deployment of clones optimal under different clonal outcrossing contributions in seed orchards?" Tree Genetics and Genomes 2:25-29.
Varghese M, Nicodemus A, Nagarajan B & Lindgren D. 2006. Impact of fertility variation on gene diversity and drift in two clonal seed orchards of teak (Tectona grandis Linn f). New Forests 31: 497-512
Varghese M, Lindgren D & Ravi N 2006. Linear thinning in a clonal test of Eucalyptus camaldulensis for conversion to a clonal seed orchard. Journal of Tropical Forest Science 18(2): 102-108.
Varghese M, Lindgren D & Kamalakannan R 2006. Gene diversity consideration while creating south Indian forests. Poster presented at workshop on “Policies in Tropical Rural Development – Swedish contributions, influences and research needs” at Umeå 061120-21, UCTREE_SLU_061120_Abstract_Varghese_et_al.pdf
Wei R-P & Lindgren D 2006. Stepwise Penalty Index Selection from populations with a hierarchical study. Silvae Genetica 55:62-70.
2007 published
Bilir N, Kang KS & Lindgren D 2007. Fertility variation and gene diversity in a clonal seed orchard of Pinus sylvestris In Proceedings of the IUFRO Division 2 Joint Conference: Low Input Breeding and Conservation of Forest Genetic Resources: Antalya, Turkey, 9-13 October 2006. Edited by Fikret Isik. p 21-27
El-Kassaby YA, Prescher F & Lindgren D 2007. Advanced generation seed orchards’ turnover as affected by breeding advance, time to sexual maturity, and costs, with special reference to Pinus sylvestris in Sweden. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 22:88-98.
Kamalakannan R, Varghese M, Bilir N & Lindgren D 2007. Conversion of a Progeny Trial of Eucalyptus tereticornis to a Seedling Seed Orchard Considering Gain and Fertility. In Proceedings of the IUFRO Division 2 Joint Conference: Low Input Breeding and Conservation of Forest Genetic Resources: Antalya, Turkey, 9-13 October 2006. Edited by Fikret Isik. p 93-99.
Kamalakannan R, Varghese M & Lindgren D 2007. Fertility variation and its implications on relatedness in seed crops in seedling seed orchards of Eucalyptus camaldulensis and E. tereticornis. Silvae Genetica: 56:253-259.
Lindgren D 2007 Norway spruce breeding in Sweden is based on clone testing. Long abstract to IUFRO WP Norway spruce breeding in Poland, September 2007.
Lindgren, D & Wei RP 2007. Low-input tree breeding strategies. In Proceedings of the IUFRO Division 2 Joint Conference: Low Input Breeding and Conservation of Forest Genetic Resources: Antalya, Turkey, 9-13 October 2006. Edited by Fikret Isik. p 124-138.
Lindgren D, Tellalov Y & Prescher F 2007. Seed set for Scots pine grafts is difficult to predict In Proceedings of the IUFRO Division 2 Joint Conference: Low Input Breeding and Conservation of Forest Genetic Resources: Antalya, Turkey, 9-13 October 2006. Edited by Fikret Isik. p 139-141.
Prescher F, Lindgren D, Almqvist C, Kroon J, Lestander TA & Mullin TJ 2007. Female fertility variation in mature Pinus sylvestris clonal seed orchards. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 22:280-289.
Varghese M, Kamalakannan R, Lindgren, D and Harwood CE 2007. Gene diversity and genetic gain in seedling seed orchards of Eucalyptus camaldulensis and E. tereticornis. In proceedings Durban 2007
2008 published
Fries A, Lindgren D & Andersson B 2008. The Swedish Scots Pine Seed Orchard Västerhus. In Lindgren D (editor) Proceedings of a Seed Orchard Conference, Umeå, Sweden, 26-28 September 2007. p 70-77.
Lindgren D (editor) Proceedings of a Seed Orchard Conference, Umeå, Sweden, 26-28 September 2007. ISBN:978-91-85911-28-8. 256 pages.
Lindgren D & Danusevičius D 2008 Deployment of clones to seed orchards when candidates are related In Lindgren D (editor) Proceedings of a Seed Orchard Conference, Umeå, Sweden, 26-28 September 2007: 135-141.
Lindgren D, Karlsson B, Andersson B & Prescher F, 2008. The Swedish seed orchard program for Scots pine and Norway spruce. In Lindgren D (editor) Proceedings of a Seed Orchard Conference, Umeå, Sweden, 26-28 September 2007. pp 142-154.
Nicodemus A, Varghese M, Nagarajan B and Lindgren D 2008. Fertility Variation across Years in Two Clonal Seed Orchards of Teak and its Impact on Seed Crop. Proceedings of a Seed Orchard Conference, Umeå, Sweden, 26-28 September 2007:189-194
Prescher F, Lindgren D & Karlsson B 2008. Genetic Thinning of Clonal Seed Orchards using Linear deployment may improve both gain and diversity. Forest Ecology and Management 254: 188-192.
Lindgren D. 2008. Frötäkt och frötäktsområden av gran och tall i Sverige. Skogsstyrelsen. Rapport 8-2008. pp 38.
Lindgren D. 2008. Seed orchard conference. Mangfold Issued by Nordgen. June 2008
Moriguchi Y, Prescher F & Lindgren D 2008. Optimum lifetime for Swedish Picea abies seed orchards. New Forests 35:147-157.
2008 in press
Bilir N, Prescher F, Lindgren D and Kroon J 2008.Variation in seed related characters in clonal seed orchards of Pinus sylvestris . New Forests in press (published on line
Danusevicius D & Lindgren D 2008 "Strategies for optimal deployment of related clones into seed orchards" Silvae Genetica in press 071001
Lindgren D, Danusevičius D & Rosvall O 2008. Unequal deployment of clones to seed orchards by considering genetic gain, relatedness and gene diversity. Forestry in press
Last edited 08-07-14