Newsletter August 00
These newsletters are distributed to a mainly domestic mailing list of individuals who expressed an interest in the subjects treated by Dag Lindgren. An URL address to this Newsletter is:
it is possible that you get it in nicer format there than in this email. It is also attached to the email
Forest Genetics
The link to Forest Genetics has been problematic, now it is reasonable updated at
My articles
I have started (from the new millennium) to make information of my recent articles including links to relevant files available at
Hopefully it will be no long delay between a study is out and that title and abstract is available. Sometimes you can get the paper in full if I think there are no copy-right problems. In several of these papers I make suggestions I think are relevant for tree breeding. Sometimes there are links to programs, which illustrate features, which are mentioned in the article and sometimes offer a tool for direct implementation.
Quantitative Genetics Conference
The Gordon Research Conference on Quantitative Genetics and Genomics will be held Feb 18-23 in Ventura, California
The average life of URLs is rather short, a rather high proportion of links does not work after some years. This may depend on decisions on different levels. I do not know exactly what should be done. If someone (like me) offers webpages with links, I think it is a good idea to check and update links at list once a year. Avoid having many links unless you feel that you are in the position to check them sometimes. It is doubtful to publish links in journals. If this is done it seems urgent to keep some sort of life in the link some years after publishing. Avoid placing updates of the same information on new URLs (e.g. avoid changing the link to your homepage). And tell your web-responsible that you do not like to get the address to the websites which concerns you changed and if this is done you want the one using the old URL to get hints on where to find the new if the outdated is entered.
The faculty of forestry will (perhaps) elect new dean after Kaj Rosén at Aug 29.
Info: Laura Parducci, tel. 090-786 58 81
The Department of Forest Genetics is arranging a symposium on forest genetics on 22 November this year in Uppsala, to mark the retirement of Professor Gösta Eriksson and Docent Inger Ekberg after more than 35 years of association with the Department. About ten presentations will be given by internationally renowned forest geneticists, including Professor Gene Namkoong and Professor Francis Yeh. The symposium will conclude with a dinner for all attending the symposium. Interested should let Alena Jonsson know!
The proceedings from 1999 SNS meeting in Uppsala is now available from the Department of Forest Genetics, Uppsala (Kenneth Lundkvist is editor).
The website for the Nicholson Fellowship has been updated to reflect substantial increases in the stipend and benefits available to Swedish students to study Forest Management and Forest Genetics at N.C. State University.
Global warming
A link for those interested in global warming is
Tree Forensics
Eleonor White was my doctorand two decades ago. Now she moves into tree forensics..?.. take a look at
Postdoc from Korea
Dr Seog Gu Son from Korea will spend two years with our group. The main objective of his study is to develop efficient selection algorithms for seed orchard clones (based on my work on linear deployment, Thuy Olssonīs work on group merit selection for seed orchards and Kyu-Suk Kang's work on genetic seed orchard management).
Canadian forestry news
are available at
Textbook in Forest Genetics
Forest Genetics (Cabi Publishing)
Our Price:
$60.00Paperback (September 2000)
I guess that the author names guarantee a good book and have ordered a copy for me and asked the library to order it.
Gen-teknik reflektioner
Jag är undrar över vad svenskt skogsbruk säger, tror och står i gen-teknik frågan.
Ett exempel: I Skog&Forskning 2/2000 s 27 står under rubriken: Genteknik i skogsbruket
"Lika potentiellt oetiskt att avstå från genteknik som att säga ja till den"; "Högre tillväxt och tidigare blomning är redan verklighet"; "Tillämpningarna för det praktiska skogsbruket ligger inte mer än tio år bort"; "En viktig orsak till skogsnäringens avvaktande inställning är marknadens förväntade reaktioner. Det finns en oro för att marknaden skulle reagera negativt om ett skogföretag skulle tillkännage att man har ställt sig positiv till gentekniken." ; "Skognäringen och forskningen samverkar"
Detta och liknande gör att många - även inom skogsbruket - tror att GMO på våra granar och tallar snart tillämpas i svenskt storskaligt praktiskt skogsbruk och att det enda egentliga skälet om det inte kommer inom tio år är en dåligt informerad opinion. Detta bidrar till den misstänksamma inställningen till den förädling som verkligen pågår och en övertro på den roll planteringar med GMO kan ha i svenskt skogsbruk med gran och tall det närmaste halvseklet.
Sedan lite jag noterat om det psykologiska
In a recent email on FORESTGEN Howard Kriebel warned us for giving the site of GMO away in emails as they are not safe enough
Browsing on
I found this one (there is much other interesting information on that site!).
"Vandals Hit B.C. Research and Saanich Seed Orchards"
In October 1999, vandals destroyed important trees at a
biotechnology institute on Vancouver's University of British
Columbia (UBC) campus and a Vancouver Island seed orchard.
The group claiming responsibility for these acts apparently
thought that these trees were genetically modified.
Several hundred research trees in an open compound at B.C.
Research Institute on the UBC campus were damaged or
destroyed on October 27, 1999, causing major setbacks in
several research projects. Some of the trees were part of a
Ministry of Forests (MOF) study comparing the growth and
survival of Douglas-fir and western hemlock seed from different
geographic sources around the province.
Western Forest Products' Saanich Forestry Centre was
attacked on October 31, 1999, resulting in an estimated
$250,000 of damage to gene archives and seed orchards of
Sitka spruce, western hemlock, and yellow-cedar. This
vandalism may delay Western's reforestation efforts in hemlock
by as much as seven years.
More recently, on March 27, 2000, vandals damaged or
destroyed an estimated 1600 young trees at the MOF Saanich
Seed Orchard. T ..."