Newsletter April 01

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Dissertations planned in forest genetics at Umeå



Härmed tillkännages att MSc Maria Margarida Ribeiro, Inst för skoglig

genetik och växtfysiologi vid SLU i Umeå, kommer att disputera för

filosofie doktorsexamen fredagen den 20 april 2001, kl 10.00 i Hörsal

Björken, SLU i Umeå, på en avhandling med titeln:


Genetics of Pinus pinaster Aiton with Cytoplasmic and Nuclear Markers


Avhandlingen finns tillgänglig på Institutionen för skoglig genetik och

växtfysiologi i Umeå, Förvaltningsavdelningen och Skogsbiblioteket i Umeå

samt på Ultunabiblioteket fr o m den 30 mars 2001.


Opponent är Professor Hans Roulund, The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural

University, Department of Economics and Natural Resources, Hørsholm, Danmark.



There are two doctors thesis planned to be presented early June 2001 at Umeå

MSc Kyu-Suk Kang

Genetic gain and gene diversity of seed orchard crops.

Datum 2001-06-01                     Tid 10.00          Lokal Björken, "Skogis", Umeå


Opponent: Professor Yousry A. El-Kassaby



Jägmästare Thúy Olsson


Genetic parameters, relationships, and selection in pines


Datum 2001-06-08                     Tid 10.00          Lokal  Björken, Umeå

Opponent:: Dr Nuno Borralho


The last previous dissertation was Adolfo Bila, December 1, 2000.

Adolfo Bila

en avhandling med titeln:

Fertility Variation and its Effects on Gene Diversity in Forest Tree Populations

I would be happy to supply a copy of that thesis if asked





I found an informative site about the use of agriculture biotech at


Only 1 per mille of the commercial agricultural GMO heads for improved quality of the crop.

Why are we when so optimistic about improving wood characters by GMO in forestry?

It seems to have not support at all in the agricultural experiences!

Committee meeting
RGF sammanträder i Danmark 2-3 maj  ( Per Ståhl)

Next professor in Uppsala will not be Outi Savolainen!
There were ten applicants to the vacancy as professor of genetics, which appeared when Gösta Eriksson retired
(only two of the applicants were ethnic Swedes). Four were shortlisted and three appeared at personal hearings. Tjänsteförslagsnämnden suggested only Outi Savolainen from Uleåborg.
After thinking it over for some months she has now declared that she does not want the position.
As far as I know it is now an open situation, probably no one knows what will happen.

Nova course 2002
It is suggested I will be responsible for the next “Nordic” plant breeding course (Nr 28 in consequtive order!!!), the theme is suggested to be “Quantitative genetics and efficient plant breeding and it is planned to be carried out in Sweden 21-27 January 2002. I plan to come back with more detailed information.

A tips for the general discussion I got from Yongqi Zheng 
Regarding diversity vs gains, a better solution seems to be that when you work for industries you focus on GAINS, while working for government you emphasize DIVERSITY, when you are working for both you tend to concentrate on SUSTAINABILITY. In this way funds continue to come.

I focus attention on “BIOME” who builds up a biologic link library, which will focus on organisational sites and includes the area of forest genetics and forest tree breeding
 (  Another site which may be worth knowing is
The cake club (for exploration of Nordic Cake Diversity) of the Nordic Gene Bank has URL

Symposium paper
Symposium on Hybrid Breeding and Genetics Noosa, Australia, 9-14 April 2000 has placed much interesting outcome from the conference at


Postgraduate teaching
General courses (baskurser) in postgraduate education for the year 2001
mainly at SLU is announced on

My former student, RunPeng Wei, has moved from Edmonton, Alberta, to southern China (Hong Kong), his new email is

Nordic Forest Genetic Resources Group Meeting
The Nordic Forest Genetic Resources Group Meeting took place in Finland , March 23-27, 2001
Information can be found on the web page
(the METLA webmaster did not like the URL I gave in my previous message, neither he let the link given at the virtual library remain, and the Finnish arrangers had to submit to the Webmasters will). It can be good to check what you (or others there) have experienced, as the meeting seems to contradict Murphy’s law, most things worked as planned including the weather. It may also appear new information following the meeting.


Jag skrev ned några synpunkter om särplockning (och klonantal och genetisk diversitet) i ett dokument våren 1999,
dokumentet är tillgängligt på min web-site på:ärplockning5.htm


 I got an email about literature,
I send it further to you (note that White´s books had been announced as coming for a long time)

>Forest Genetics by T L White, W T Adams, D B NEale
>June 2001 ISBN: 0851993486 c.500pp PB ?35.00 (US$60.00)
>Readership: Advanced undergraduate students of forestry, plant breeding and
>Part 1; ch.1-6:
Basic Genetic Principles: Mendelian, molecular population and quantitative genetics

>Part 2; ch.7-10:
>Genetic Variation in Natural Populations: evolution, patterning on the
>landscape, management and conservation

>Part 3; ch.11-17:
>Applied Tree Imporvement Programmes: base populations, selection, genetic
>testing, data analysis, deployment and breeding strategy deployment
>Part 4; ch. 18-20:
>Concepts and Applications of Biotechnology: genetic engineering, marker
>assisted breeding, genomics
>Palgrave (formerly Macmillan Press)/Bedford Freeman Worth Group
>Nature Publishing Group
>Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
>World Scientific Publishing
>Royal Society of Chemistry (
>Hart Publishing (
>Boydell & Brewer (
>ISIS Medical Media (
>CAB International (
>Woodhead Publishing (
>Gordon & Breach Publishing Group (
>Edinburgh University Press (
>Christopher Hurst & Co Ltd (
>Combined Academic Publishers Ltd