Underlag för publiceringsanalyser med skogsgenetik vid genfys för tiden 2006-2008

Uppsatser som inte publicerat 2009-02-17

Submitted but not in press 2009-02-16 (including )

Lindgren D 2009 Norway spruce breeding in Sweden is based on clone testing. Dendrobiology in press

Hallander, J. & Waldmann, P. Optimization of selection contribution and mate allocation in tree breeding populations (manuscript submitted for thesis defense 090403).

Torimaru  T, Wang X-R, Fries A, Andersson B, Lindgren D. 2009. Evaluation of pollen contamination in an advanced Scots pine seed orchard in central Sweden, submitted to Silvae Genetica

Wang X-R, Torimaru T, Lindgren D. and Fries A. 2009. Marker-based parentage analysis opens “breeding without breeding” strategies for Scots pine. Submitted to  Tree Genetics and Genomes

Danusevicius D & Lindgren D 2009.  Efficiency of breeding strategy where grandparents - but not parents - contribute equally to the breeding population. Submitted to Annals of Forest Science.  

In press

Fries, A. & Ericsson, T. 2009. Genetic parameters for earlywood and latewood densities and development by increasing age in Scots pine. Ann. For. Sci. Accepted.

Eysteinsson, T., Karlman, L., Fries, A., Martinsson O. & Skulasson, B. 2009 Variation in spring and autumn frost tolerance among provenances of Russian larches (Larix Mill.) , Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research.

Hallander, J. & Waldmann, P. (2009) Optimum contribution selection in large general tree breeding populations with an application to Scots pine. Theoretical and Applied Genetics (in press).

Kroon J, Wennström U, Prescher F, Lindgren D and Mullin TJ 2009. Cone set over time and clones in a seed orchard. Silvae Genetica: in press.

Nicodemus A, Varghese M, Nagarajan B and Lindgren D 2009.  Annual Fertility Variation in Clonal Seed Orchards of Teak (Tectona grandis L.f.) and its Impact on Seed Crop.  Silvae Genetica in press.

Lindgren D 2009. A way to utilise the advantages of clonal forestry for Norway spruce? Working Papers of the Finnish Forest Research Institute 0: 00–00

Finley AO, Banerjee S, Waldmann P, Ericsson T
Hierarchical spatial modeling of additive and dominance genetic variance for large spatial trial datasets
Biometrics: 2008, on line

Publicerad 2009

Lindgren D., Danusevicius D., Rosvall O. 2009. Unequal deployment of clones to seed ochards by considering genetic gain, relatedness and gene diversity Forestry vol 81 nr 1 17-28

· Artikel populärvetenskaplig tidskrift, 2009

· Lindgren D. 2009. Tankar på far- och morföräldrar påverkar skogsproduktionen Södra kontakt nr 1, februari 2009 38

Publicerad 2008 (vad som står på inst lista 090203)

Bilir N., Prescher F., Lindgren D., Kroon J. 2008. Variation in cone and seed characters in clonal seed orchards of Pinus sylvestris New Forests vol 36 187-199

Danusevicius D., Lindgren D. 2008. Strategies for optimal deployment of related clones into seed orchards Silvae Genetica vol 57 119-127

Garcia Gil R. 2008. Evolutionary aspects of functional and pseudogene family in Scots pine Journal of Molecular Evolution vol 67 222-232

Kroon, J., Andersson, B., and Mullin T. J. 2008. Genetic variation in the diameter–height relationship in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris). Can. J. For. Res1. 38(6): 1493–1503.

· Lindgren D., Danusevicius D., Rosvall O. 2008. Balanced forest tree improvement can be enhanced by selecting among many parents but maintaining balance among grandparents Canadian Journal of Forest Research vol 38 2797-2803

Moriguchi Y., Prescher F., Lindgren D. 2008. Optimum lifetime for Swedish Picea abies seed orchards New forests vol 35 nr 2 147-157

Prescher F., Lindgren D., Karlsson B. 2008. Genetic thinning of clonal seed orchards using linear deployment may improve both gain and diversity Forest ecology and management vol 254 188-192


Bokkapitel, 2008 Seguin A., Klimaszewska K., Park Y-S., Arnerup-Christiansson J., Garcia Gil R. 2008. Transgenic forest tree species 151-168

Faktablad 2008 Lindgren D., Prescher F. 2008. Bättre fröplantager för Sveriges framtid Fakta. Skog

Proceedings, 2008

· Fries A., Lindgren D., Andersson B. 2008. The Swedish Scots pine seed orchard Västerhus 70-78
· Lindgren D., Karlsson B., Andersson B., Prescher F. 2008. The Swedish seed orchard program for Scots pine and Norway spruce 142-154

Rapport, 2008· Lindgren D. 2008. Frötäkt och frötäktsområden av gran och tall i Sverige. Rapport / Skogsstyrelsen vol 8

Publicerat 2007

Vetenskapliga artiklar 2007

· Andersson B., Elfving B., Persson T., Ericsson T., Kroon J. 2007. Characteristics and development of improved Pinus sylvestris in northern Sweden. Canadian journal of forest research vol 37 84-92. Anmärking räknas som sampublicering mellan gen-fys, skötsel SLU och Skogforsk!
Prescher F., Lindgren D., Almqvist C., Kroon J., Lestander T., Mullin T.J. 2007. Female fertility variation in mature Pinus sylvestris clonal seed orchards. Scandinavian journal of forest research vol 22 280-289

Svensson I., Sjöstedt-de Luna S., Mörling T., Fries A., Ericsson T. 2007. Adjusting for fibre length-biased sampling probability using increment cores from standing trees. Holzforschung vol 61 101-103

Sonesson, J., Swedjemark, G., Almqvist, C., Jansson, G., Hannrup, B., Rosvall, O. and Kroon, J. 2007. Genetic variation in responses of Pinus sylvestris trees to natural infection by Gremeniella abietina. Scand. J. For. Res. 22:290-298

· Tigabu M., Fjellström J., Oden P-C., Teketay D. 2007. Germination of Juniperus procera seeds in response to stratification and smoke treatments and detection of insect-damaged seeds with VIS + NIR spectrscopy New forests vol 33 nr 2 155-169 Anm Sampublicering fröforskning vid inst och praktik, räknas inte in i nägon kategori i analysen men det är skoj att notera uppsatsen

Notivol E, Garcia-Gil MR, Alia R, Savolainen O
Genetic variation of growth rhythm traits in the limits of a latitudinal cline in Scots pine
Canadian Journal of Forest ReseaNrch: 2007 37:540-551

Avhandling, 2007 Prescher F. 2007. Seed orchards - genetic considerations on function, management and seed procurement Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae nr 2007:75. Anm räknas in i UoA publicering

Konferensbidrag / Proceedings, 2007:

· Lindgren D., Wei RP. 2007. Low-input Breeding Strategies. 124-138
· Lindgren D., Tellalov Y., Prescher F. 2007. Seed Set for Scots pine Grafts is Difficult to Predict 139-141

Publicerat 2006

Vetenskapliga artiklar 2006

Bilir N., Prescher F., Ayan S., Lindgren D. 2006. Growth characters and number of strobili in clonal seed orchards of Pinus sylvestris Euphytica vol 152 293-301

Danusevicius D., Lindgren D. 2006. Optimization of long term breeding strategies for cyclic within family selection IUFRO 2.04.02 Newsletter vol 1 nr 26 1-4

· Loha A., Tigabu M., Teketay D., Lundkvist K., Fries A. 2006. Provenance variation in seed morphometric traits, germination and seedling growth of Cordia africana Lam. New forests vol 32 71-86

 Vargese M., Lindgren D., Ravi N. 2006. Linear Thinning in a Clonal Test of Eucalyptus camaldulensis for Conversion to a Clonal Seed Orchard Journal of tropical forest science vol 18 nr 2 102-108

· Waldmann P., Ericsson T. 2006. Comparison of REML and Gibbs sampling estimates of multi-trait genetic parameters in Scots pine Theoretical and applied genetics vol 112 1441-1451
Artikel populärvetenskaplig tidskrift, 2006
· Lindgren D. 2006. Färre kloner i framtida fröplantager Plantaktuellt vol 2006 nr 4 8-8

Niemi, L; Wennstrom, A; Hjalten, J; Waldmann, P; Ericson, L 2006 Spatial variation in resistance and virulence in the host-pathogen system Salix triandra-Melampsora amygdalinae JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY 915-921 7 94 5  This was mot included in the copublish analyses because it was not reported to the departmental list or in other ways


Examensarbete, 2006 Tellalov Y. 2006. Relative female reproductive output of grafted Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) clones planted on different places


Not submitted yet 090215 (not considered in compilations, neither asked for, but when I am not involved I have them listed here if brought to my attention)

”Mapping quantitative trait loci for dynamic traits in a full-sib family of Pinus sylvestris”   Förf: Mikko Sillanpää, M. Rosario Garcia-Gil, Sara Abrahamsson, Anders Fries, Estelle Lerceteau, and Patrik Waldmann.

 (Remark: Ít had improved the picture of within group cowork if this had been submitted)

Det finns uppsatser under utarbetande, som skulle förbättra samförfattarstatistiken, men jag vill dra en distinkt gräns mellan saker på gång och saker som verkligen realiserats. Submitted betyder att det enligt författarna själva är tillräckligt bra och komplett.