IUFRO worldconference Seoul 2010

For Dag Lindgren related activities

The world congress is documented in IUFRO World Congress Bulletin - Vol. 178 No. 5 - XXIII International. August 25 when P3 took place is on an URL, where Kyu-Suk, Dag and Yongqi are in picture while lecturing. Note that I was the only Swede who got his presentation on the IUFRO congress web (thus acknowleged enough to get on the list and energic enough to make the presentation public!)

♠ Sublenary session P-3. Conservation and sustainable use of forest genetic resources

Oral presentation: Seed orchards in a warm future. Lindgren, Dag (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden; Dag.Lindgren@genfys.slu.se), Westin Johan. (The Forestry Research Institute of Sweden, Sweden; Johan.Westin@skogforsk.se), Prescher, Finnvid (Svenska Skogsplantor AB, Finnvid.Prescher@skogsplantor.se).

Abstract Lindgren D, Westin J & Prescher F 2010. Seed orchards in a warm future. International Forestry Review 12(5) page 5  .pptx presentation.  (Note when downloading .pptx files they have to be saved on the computer, they cannot always be run from the site)!  The presentation is on the IUFRO web as a .pdf file but some of the animations are lost when making it .pdf.
A previous similar presentation and links to the subjects are found on my web prepared for Korea 2009 Seed orchard meeting.

♠ Technical session. F-04 Achievements in seed orchards, somatic embryogenesis and seed science for forest productivity and conservation   

Oral presentation: Relatives in seed orchards and clone mixtures. Lindgren, Dag (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden; Dag.Lindgren@genfys.slu.se), Danusevicius, Darius. (Lithuanian Forest Research Institute. Lithuania; darius.danusevicius@takas.lt), Högberg, Karl-Anders. (The Forestry Research Institute of Sweden, Sweden; karl-anders.hogberg@skogforsk.se), Weng, Yuhui. (New Brunswick Dept. of Nat. Resources, Canada; Yuhui.Weng@gnb.ca), Hallingbäck, H.R. (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden; Henrik.Hallingback@vbsg.slu.se)

Abstract.  Lindgren D, Danusevičius D, Högberg K-A, Weng Y, Hallingbäck HR. 2010. Relatives in seed orchards and clone mixtures.  International Forestry Review 12(5) page 322.   .pptx presentation

Link to workbook   It contains 1) DeployerA for deploying Swedish Norway spruce with related clones to a seed orchard using Solver with the option to weight three characters (Karl-Anders); 2) DeployerB for deploying Canadian black spruce related clones to a clonal mixture for plantation (but the worksheet can be used for seed orchards, Weng) by Solver but linear deployment and truncation selection are in the sheet for comparison; 3) a published example (Lindgren et al 2009)  how related clones can be handled in a seed orchard; 4) Optimization of selective harvest (Henrik); 5)page with info esp solver.

Relatives in seed orchard is different runs with an EXCEL workbook I constructed in 2009 as a response to what I regarded as needs from three scientists. The scientific basis has been published Lindgren D, Danusevičius D & Rosvall O 2008. Balanced forest tree improvement can be enhanced by selecting among many parents but keeping balance among grandparents. Canadian Journal of Forest Research  38(11): 2797–2803.   Danusevicius D & Lindgren D 2008 "Strategies for optimal deployment of related clones into seed orchards" Silvae Genetica 57:119-127.

Finnvid Prescher was awarded Outstanding Doctoral Research Award.

More details


Reflektioner om konferensen (på svenska)


♠ Reason for participation

IUFRO has three times in a row awarded my students with "ODRA". Probably it is the first time in the history of forest science a professor got his students awarded in this way three times in row. That makes it a "hat trick". I cannot neglect these events any more. IUFRO was so favorable to me, in spite of that I planned to do little after my retirement 091001 and also now think I am not good enough. To justify the expense for the journey I felt however I should do presentations and also in some way show up for the last time to the international forest genetic community.

♠ Reason for the presentations  Global warming is very actual and I failed to send a proceedings paper to the Korea09 proceedings after my oral presentation, so I improved it and update it instead, but succeeded not as well in that as I hoped to.

About seed orchards
I evaluated the role of seed orchards at the IUFRO2010 conference

Lectures Hangzhou
I and Finnvid Prescher visited Hangzhou August 19 and give lectures at Subtropical Forest Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Forestry. Finnvid Prescher presented his thesis. I presented the seed orchards in a warm future presentation in a slightly longer version.


Some details about my journey

♠ My itinerary
Leave Umeå Aug 17 9.40  August 18, 2010    Arrival: 13:50  Hangzhou. August 22  Leave Shanghai Asiana 16:30  to Seoul  Arrival 19:20. Seoul Residence (name) 22-29 incl breakfast double bed   August 29 leave Korea  9.25 Arrive Beijing 10.40. September 2 leave Beijing 13:50 arrive Umeå 22.10.. My wife Katarina Lindgren followed me.