Västerhus seed orchard
sheet with maps (do not push this but the next link, server seems case
sensitive) including dedications: http://daglindgren.upsc.se/Froplantager/Vasterhusprojekt/mapt10vasterhusid.xlsx
Slideshow about the Västerhus seed orchard and related projects till 2009.
Slideshow presented May 2012 in conference by Ulfstand Wennström et al___
Slideshow presented Nov 2013 at
departmental seminar by Tomas Funda____
Map of Västerhus
seed orchard (for
identification of sample tree environment)
Article about the Västerhus seed orchard by Fries et al 2008
· Dag Lindgren general seed orchard site
Noteringar om Dag Lindgrens farfar (paternal grandfather), who was born close to
Västerhus and so his ancestors tracking four generations back!..
A thinning and pruning trial at
Västerhus (some year old plan)
Thinning and pruning trial at Västerhus
· Pollen- och kottförekomst i Västerhus 2009
· Populär artikel om fröplantager notera att Västerhus är vinjettbild!
Presentations in Madrid 2008
where Västerhus is used as an example in some presentations
publications based on material from Västerhus:
A, Lindgren D & Andersson B 2008. The Swedish Scots Pine Seed Orchard
Västerhus. In Lindgren D (editor)
Proceedings of a Seed Orchard Conference, Umeå, Sweden, 26-28 September 2007. p
The institutional
page of Xiao-Ru Wang including a list of papers which
includes many of the mentioned and sometimes offer download capacity.
Torimaru, T., Wennström,
U., Andersson, B., Almqvist, C., and Wang, X.-R. 2013. Reduction of pollen
contamination in Scots pine seed orchard crop by tent isolation. Scandinavian
Journal of Forest Research in press DOI: 10.1080/02827581.2013.838298
Torimaru T, Wennström
U, Lindgren D, Wang XR 2012 Effects
of male fecundity, interindividual distance and anisotropic pollen dispersal on
mating success in a Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris)
seed orchard Heredity: 2012 108(3):
Torimaru T, Wang X-R, Fries A, Andersson B,
Lindgren D 2009
Evaluation of pollen
contamination in an advanced Scots pine seed orchard in Sweden
Silvae Genetica:
2009 58:262-269
Wang X-R, Torimaru T, Lindgren D, Fries A 2010
Marker-based parentage
analysis facilitates low input "breeding without breeding" strategies
for forest trees
Tree Genetics &
Genomes: 2010 6:227-235
Fries, A., Torimaru, T., Wang, X., Andersson, B. & Lindgren, D.
2009. Pollination patterns in Scots pine seed orchards. Korea Forest Research
Institute (editor) 2009. Seed orchards and the link to long-term breeding in
response to climate change. Abstracts from a meeting of IUFRO WP 2.09.01 at Jeju, Korea, 8-11 September 2009 p.8-9.
Lindgren D & Wang X. Advanced
generations “breeding without breeding” with only forests and combined seed
orchards/breeding populations. Korea Forest Research Institute (editor)
2009. Seed orchards and the link to long-term breeding in response to climate
change. Abstracts from a meeting of IUFRO WP 2.09.01 at Jeju,
Korea, 8-11 September 2009 pp 4-5
The Västerhus clones are assigned to persons who
god-father the clones, a link to that page here
Ola Rosvall
left his position at Skogforsk (but keep on with much
of what he has done) at end of 2011. As a gift he got
signatures on a board made from a surplus tree of his dedicated clone from Västerhus.
Much of the work with pines
in Västerhus was done with a Japanese postdoc, Takeshi Torimaru,
who left Umeå at end of Mars 2009, but made a short
revisit. He was rewarded “Dag Lindgrens award for
talented forest geneticists” (20 000 SEK) at 130930 and will receive the
award 121206. One reason was to mark the inauguration of the “Dag Lindgren” seed orchard which
is genetically connected to Västerhus and may partly replace it.
Description of background and tentproject at Västerhus from
Xiao-Ru Wang
I tried, but failed, to get
a project with single clone harvests for a half-sib family forestry. Application for half sib forestry 2009
Last edit 170830