Run-Peng Wei thesis
Thesis title: Predicting genetic diversity and optimizing selection in breeding programmes, ISBN 91-576-4990-1
The papers in Run-Peng Wei’s thesis as they are finally published
Lindgren, D., Wei, R.-P. and Lee, S.J. 1997. Optimum family number in the first cycle of a breeding program. Forest Science 43(2):206-212
Wei, R.-P. 1996a. Loss of genetic diversity under selection from populations with a family structure. Silvae Genetica 45:153-159
Wei, R.-P. 1996b. Restricted selection and effective population size. Genetics Selection Evolution 28:237-247
Wei, R.-P. and Lindgren, D. 1996. Effective family number following selection with restrictions. Biometrics 52:525-535
Wei, R.-P. 1995a. Response to selection with restrictions while considering effective family number. Hereditas 123: 53-59
Wei, R.-P. 1995b. Optimal restricted phenotypic selection. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 91:389-394
Wei, R.-P. and Lindgren, D. 1995. Optimal family contributions and a linear approximation. Theoretical Population Biology 48:318-332
Wei, R.-P. and Lindgren, D. 1994. Gain and effective population size following index selection with variable weights. Forest Genetics 1:147-155
Lindgren, D. and Wei, R.-P. 1994. Gain versus effective number. In: "Progeny Testing and Breeding Strategies", Lee, S.J. (editor). Proceedings of the Nordic Group for Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding. Edinburgh, 6-10 Oct. 1993. Forestry Authority, pp.164-177
Wei, R.-P. and Lindgren, D. 1993. Phenotypic selection was more efficient than combined index selection when applied on full sibs of lodgepole and Scots pines. In: "Pinus contorta - From Untamed Forest to Domesticated Crop", Lindgren, D. (editor). Meeting of IUFRO WP 2.02.06 and Frans Kempe Symposium, Umeå, August 24-28, 1992. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. Department of Forest Genetics and Plant Physiology. Report 11:289-292
Lindgren, D., Wei, R.-P. and Bondesson, L. 1993. Optimal selection from families. Heredity 70:619-621
Wei, R.-P. and Lindgren, D. 1991. Selection effects on diversity and gain. Silva Fennica 25(4):229-234
Dr Wei's thesis comprises 12 independently published studies. This was record in the faculty history when the thesis was presented, the second largest thesis comprised 7 studies and faculty average was 4.8.
Ten of the studies (thus all initially heading for that) are now published in refereed acknowledged scientific journals, each study in a separate journal and the list includes the most relevant journals for this type of articles.
Dr Wei came to Umeå for a Ms study and started the field work at arrival to Umeå, but the results were not included in the thesis. It was about epigenic effects, when he arrived it was assumed he should get a training one and half year as a breeder and I saw experience from field work as important and I was interested of the results. It was first later I realised that this was a suitable collaborator for breeding theory. The paper is Lindgren D & Wei R-P 1994. Effects of maternal environment on mortality and growth in young Pinus sylvestris field trials. Tree Physiology 14:323-327. By this misjudgement I decreased the number of studies in thesis by one.
Duration of PhD studies: Nov. 1991 – Jul. 1995 = 45 months. However Wei arrived to Umeå Oct 1990 and registered into a PhD programme first a year later.