Kyu-Suk Kang thesis
Thesis title: Kang, K.S. 2001. Genetic gain and gene diversity of seed orchard crops. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae Sueciae. Silvestria 187 75pp+ 11 chapters
The thesis is based on 11 chapters, 5 of them published and 6 manuscripts. The manuscirpts were developed into 8 published papers, thus the Ph-thesis has resulted in 13 journal papers.
Kang, K.S. and Lindgren, D. 1998. Fertility variation and its effect on the relatedness of seeds in Pinus densiflora, Pinus thunbergii and Pinus koraiensis clonal seed orchards. Silvae Genet. 47(4): 196-201.
Kang, K.S. and Lindgren, D. 1999. Fertility variation among clones of Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis S. et Z.) and its implications on seed orchard management. For. Genet. 6(3): 191-200.
Kang, K.S. 2000. Clonal and annual variation of flower production and composition of gamete gene pool in a clonal seed orchard of Pinus densiflora. Can. J. For. Res. 30(8): 1275-1280.
Kang, K.S., Harju, A.M., Lindgren, D., Nikkanen, T., Almqvist, C. and Suh, G.U. 2001. Variation in effective number of clones in seed orchards. New Forests 21(1): 17-33.
Kang, K.S., Lindgren, D. and Mullin, T.J. 2001. Prediction of genetic gain and gene diversity in seed orchard crops under alternative management strategies. Theor. Appl. Genet. (TAG) 103(6-7): 1099-1107.
Kang, K.S., Bila, A.D., Lindgren, D. and Choi, W.Y. 2001. Predicted drop in gene diversity over generations in the population where the fertility varies among individuals. Silvae Genet. 50(5-6): 200-205.
Kang, K.S., Lai, H.-L. and Lindgren, D. 2002. Using single family in reforestation: gene diversity concerns. Silvae Genet. 51(2-3): 65-72.
Kang, K.S. and El-Kassaby, Y.A. 2002. Considerations of correlated fertility between genders on genetic diversity: Pinus densiflora seed orchard as a model. Theor. Appl. Genet. (TAG) 105(8): 1183-1189.
Kang, K.S., Kjær, E.D. and Lindgren, D. 2003. Balancing gene diversity and nut production in Corylus avellana collections. Scand. J. For. Res. 18(2): 118-126.
Kang, K.S., Bila, A.D., Harju, A.M. and Lindgren, D. 2003. Fertility variation in forest tree populations. Forestry 76(3): 329-344.
Kang, K.S., El-Kassaby, Y.A., Choi, W.Y., Han, S.U. and Kim, C.S. 2003. Genetic gain and diversity caused by genetic thinning in a clonal seed orchard of Pinus densiflora. Silvae Genet. 52(5-6): 220-223.
Kang, K.S., Lindgren, D. and Mullin, T.J. 2004. Fertility variation, genetic relatedness and their effects on gene diversity of seeds from a seed orchard of Pinus thunbergii. Silvae Genet. 53(5-6): 202-206.
Kang, K.S., Lindgren, D., Mullin, T.J., Choi, W.Y. and Han, S.U. 2005. Genetic gain and diversity of orchard crops under alternative management options in a clonal seed orchard of Pinus thunbergii. Silvae Genet. 54(3): 93-96.
Thirteen published papers in seven journals (100 % publication success) Some of the manuscripts in the thesis were expanded, thus the paper list reflect slightly more work than the thesis work itself.
Acceptance to doctorand 1997-03-24 and dissertation 2001-06-01 = 51 months
It is noted that besides (before) the thesis we wrote Lindgren D & Kang KS. 1997. Status number - a useful tool for tree breeding Research Report of the Forest Genetic Research Institute of Korea 33:154-165. This is the last paper in the last issue of this series (the genetic research institute was merged and a Korean Forestry Research institute was formed, thus I was honored by concluding the report series after 33 issues!!