
2009 planting planning

The seeds were given by Libby to Turkey in the opening cermony of the low input breeding conference. The tag accomanying the seeds is here. It is written Blodgett forest, that is a research area there Giant seq is planted and studied but no natural stand, so it is problematic what the seeds really are.


Photos were made of the seedlings under propagation.

May 2008.

* March 2009 A B C D E F,

* June 09 A B.

* August 09 A B

Protective devices
Protective devices have been made to protect the plants from animals on some places
A  B  C


Plantation sites

 Summary of sites

Location (name)

Lat (N)

Long (E)

Alt (m)


37º 43.606’

30º 29.554’



37º 50.780’

30º 31.663’



37º 47.111’

30º 45.804’


Atabey Vocation School

37º 56.865’

30º 39.069’


Dedegul Dagi

37º 40.409’

31º 20.118’



 The operations are better documented in the attached document


Aluminum plates with text as written were prepared by Nebi Bilir.


The future

Dag Lindgren and maybe some more will visit the plantations in some years. It is still not too late to dig down things at the plantation sites close to the trees

We should think on some plates to dig down for explorers 4000 years in the future. Maybe dig down a time capsule? Ideas? Members of the Lindgren family can actually bring things to dig down at the roots of the trees.


Some private reasons for the operation


I become 67 090927. I was employed as professor of forest genetics 771001, I have served exactly 32 years 090930.

Details for planning which may be irrelevant now


View from Nebis window

You and your family are too lucky. Why?
The mountain is dedegul (or also called dedegol) Mountain.
mountain= DAG in Turkish
Dede= grandfather
gul= rose (=gül)
gol= lake (=göl) (there is a lake on top of the mountain about 3000 m) 
So, dedegul DAG'i= Rose grandfather mountain= Rose mountain of GRANDFATHER.
Wilhelm, Mira and Idun can visit their sequoia trees when he come to Turkey, me and my son can help them.
by the way Dedegul was a great/tale and old man like Santa Claus. The mountain is very large it is also enough for my seed orchard idea.
So, direction is Turkiet (Turkiye)-Isparta-Yenisarbademli-Dedeguldagi (37'39 13.40 N-31'17 39.76 E)
 my DRAFT idea is related to Scots pine and a mountain in my city (the top of the mountain is 2900 m). Also, Scots pine is an egzotic for the area.

Email from Nebi Bilir: Local mountain for Sequoias is very very good idea. I had determined three plantation points for sequoia instead of Ararat. The mountain was one of them.

Yes, there are three planting sites (between 1000 and 2000 m) in my mind. But, I do not want to disturb your holiday.
1- University campus (= Botanical garden of Suleyman Demirel (early president of Turkey, born in Isparta) University, Director of the garden from my faculty), 10-15 minutes to Isparta and protection is very high, 2 minutes to university, 1050-1100m.
2- National park (we had tea-break there), 20 minutes to city center, 1100-1200 m., protection of seedling is middle.
3- Sky center (= national park), 40-45 minutes to Isparta/city center more than 1500 m.
4- Dedegul DAGI'i (3-3.5 hours from Isparta), protection is ???. more than 1500 m. !!!!!!!!
Protection is from local people or wild animals etc. I will prepare some cage materials for protection.
Identification will be ready on metal materials.





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