Seed orchard connected links


The link to this seed orchard working party web

Britisth Columbia has a Forest Genetic Research Council with a link where much seed-orchard related information can be found. The Newsletter TicTalk is issued at somewhat irregular intervals slightly more than a year between.

A Canadian tree seed working group publishes a news bulletine

Two links mainly in Swedish:
Dag Lindgren has a seed orchard page in Swedish
SkogForsk has a page for TreO
Seed orchard programs in EXCEL could be found on
Dag Lindgrens web "Tree Breeding Tools" entry orchard manager

There is a seed orchard article on Wikopedia

Som links to Dorena (Oregon-Washington) center

Some links which lists forest meeting activities which have been searched for recent occurrence of seed orchard meetings


Links to Tree Breeding including seed orchards


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