News about seed orchards and IUFRO
Next seed orchard meeting or
activity is planned in Fredericton, New Brunswick in 2015 in conjunction with the
CFGA conference. The conference will be held August
17-21, 2015 and the theme is Integrating Tree Breeding, Silviculture
and Growth & Yield. I think that it will be a positive outcome for a joint
meeting. The Seed Orchard WP will be joining the CFGA conference (web site
). The theme will encompass tree improvement, silviculture
and growth & yield. The theme is intended to focus on practical and applied
aspects that will benefit people managing breeding and seed production
programs. The first day will consist of a Tree Seed Workshop in the morning and
a tour in the afternoon. On that same day there will a genetic conservation
symposium lead by CONFORGEN The
second day will be papers and posters. The third day will be a field tour to
include an industrial company’s seed orchard complex. The fourth day will be
papers and posters followed by a tour and barbeque at the provincial government
nursery and seed orchard facility.
Dag Lindgren has a personal web with Swedish
contributions to the Korea09 meeting___
A forest tree breeding conference will
take place end of August 2014 at Prague, main responsible is Milan Lstiburek.
We thank Nebi Bilir for the excellent
arrangements of the Turkish seed orchard conference!
Photos I got from the Turkish meeting are on
A seed orchard book. Milan Lstiburek
has accepted responsibility (change from earlier decisions, but it is uncertain
if a book will come)
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