The information below will be moved from this first page in my web to a clickable file at mid August

Two vacancies as assistant professor in forest genetics for 5 years with emphasis on breeding theory and markers for breeding, are currently available at our department!

Forest Genetic resources: their use and conservation

A conference held in  Húsavík, Iceland, August 27-29, 2003 by the Nordic Group for the Management of Genetic Resources of Trees  Just click on SNS Conference!


"Analysis of Survival Data" A PhD course will be held in October-November 2003, for both postgraduate

students and researchers. Detailed information can be found at

Jun YU, PhD Associate Professor, Centre of Biostochastics

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, S-901 83 Umeå, Sweden


Article about total genetic resource management in beef breeding which can give some inspiration for design of breeding programs;


Conference about sustainable forestry for young scientists and doctorands with a genetic conservation part in Lithuania.

Proceedings from Nordic group meeting Scotland 2002  (about clonal forestry)

Biotech links there are plenty, I found one informative at it seems like they try to arrange some national people debate in UK these days!

Creationists get all they need to know at and we other may get tasks for students and things like that on the site.

WFGA  2003 meeting











CSIR Tree Breeding Course


Nelspruit, South Africa


August 11-22, 2003


FSpeed - Computation of Inbreeding Coefficients.  a site where links to positions, meetings, list of URL where proceedings may be found, genome resources, directory to forest tree breeders, etc. can be found.

Southern Tree Breeding Association (STBA, Australia) and a connected position announcement.

FFP2003/18 Post Doctoral Fellow - Quantitative Genetics of Juvenile Wood in Radiata Pine


Forestry and Forest Products - Yarralumla, ACT 



Swedish news:

Det distribueras ett nyhetsblad om nordiska genresurser, ett prov finns på:

Rådgivande Grupp Skogsodlingsmaterial (Rådgivande organ till SkogForsks förädling) är inplanerat 17-18 september i Uppsala. "Föreningen" har ett extra sammanträde 10 sept.

Det finns avancerade planer på en forskarskola med anknytning till SkogTrädsförädling. Närmare information kan lämnas av Bengt Andersson.

Svenskar skogsträdsförädlare kanske skulle vilja delta i avelsarbetet för att åstadkomma en bättre ny skog, det låter som om New Forest avel, vore en intressant länk i det sammanhanget...

Comments: IT is dynamic, rules, program, webmasters ideas, security constraints, links, administrative factors, and my own ideas are not constant over time and IT-environments and I make mistakes sometimes. Thus, do not be too surprised if things do not work as I expected them to (e.g. links do not work or you are not authorized to look). If something worked before it may still be at this web, but on another place, try browsing. Get in touch with me if you really want to solve a problem.

This page was last edited 03-07-19