Vegetative propagation of conifers
Punkaharju (Lusto) 10-11 Sept 2008
Home page of meeting:
Proceedings: Aronen, Tuija, Nikkanen, Teijo & Tynkkynen, Tiina (eds.). 2009. Vegetative propagation of conifers for enhancing landscaping and tree breeding.. Working Papers of the Finnish Forest Research Institute 114. 80 s. ISBN 978-951-40-2154-1:
The day before the conference, the arrangers (Tuija and Teijo, to the left) discussed with the
Prime Minister of Finland (Matti, to the right), I assume they finalize the last details about the conference arrangements.
Dag Lindgren's powerpoint presentation at the Finnish conference was about cross forestry (family-forestry, controlled cross forestry) amplified by vegetative propagation (some of the slides shown here were hidden at the actual lecture). . Here is my contribution to proceeding....
Lindgren D 2009. A way to utilise the advantages of clonal forestry for Norway spruce? Working Papers of the Finnish Forest Research Institute 114: 08–15.
When I was suggested to make a presentation in Finland, I got the idea I should make an effort to get some of the ideas actually implemented in Sweden to get motivated to think on the issue. That is also a motive to enrich this page and another which is more Swedish with links. Now it seems I will be more successful than I dreamt about, or is it just a coincidence?
Tuija with another Matti managing an object of the conference theme, vegetative propagation of a conifer.
Information about vegetative propagation, clonal forestry, family forestry and controlled cross forestry:
Metla report about the meeting:
variations in
stockplants produced by somatic embryogenesis and their use in cutting
propagation programs”,
by Mohammed S. Lamhamedi and Denise Tousignant
Seminarium Dag Lindgren Ekebo 2006-12-19 Klonskogsbruk, en misslyckad ansats att förse svenskt skogsbruk med högvärdigt skogsodlingsmaterial?
Lindgren D 2002. Advantages of clonal propagation. In Welander M & Zhu L H. Proceedings of Workshop on high quality birch – clonal propagation and wood properties. August 27-28, 2001. Pp 98-109. ISBN 91-576-6250-9. Distribution: SLU, SE 230 53 Alnarp.
I was in contact in November 2008 with a NZ company silviculturist who was
the one who demonstrated the "family forestry" system in practical forestry with
radiata on my sabbatical in NZ 1993. He said that;
"Family forestry by means of cuttings has paid of for us: We had 7500 temporary
inventory plots available established over 2 rotations; we have seen a
substantial lift in productivity based upon age 10 inventories in stands
established with control pollinated cuttings. Clonal forestry looks at the
moment still a bridge too far; two companies are pioneering clonal forestry and
have made inroads but there are still teething problems and high prices - I
think that the price has to come down to CP cuttings or there about first."
I got an email early 2009 from the
responsible of genetics in southern US about the SE clonal forestry etc.:
"As for SE (somatic embryos) I would guess
the number sold last year was 7 to 8 million. The market might have been closer
to 14 million if they had been available. Both of the main suppliers have
evidently had some scale up problems that have temporarily prevented higher
production levels. There were also about 30 million control pollinated full sib
trees sold. These are primarily going to a niche market of rich landowners. This
year will be a real test to see if these people still have any enthusiasm as the
stock market drains their investment cash and stumpage prices are down."
(Charleston 22-25 July 2008, "Varietal" Forestry).
Comments: the conference was arranged by IEG40, but there is no information
about what that is. There were slightly less than 100 participants. There is no
information who is the responsible person or organisation. The only
address given seem to be the email to a professional conference manager site
without a name given. I wrote an email asking who was responsible, but got no reply. ArborGen
arranged the meeting, but they seem remarkable discrete about
that. The meeting seemed open to anyone, I could have registered. No proceedings
will appear. The only speaker and participant from Europe was Steve Lee, who
describes the UK version of a controlled cross operation under the title "Sitka
spruce family forestry in the UK. Who could ask form more?" It is similar to the
Ireland operation described elsewhere on this web. This makes it likely that the
Sitka operation is the largest vegetative propagation operation in Europe and
that the interest in "real" clonal forestry in Europe is low. It is a bit
surprising that no more European participated considering the large interest
vegetative propagation and SE seems to attract in e.g. Sweden. Three lectures
from the meeting are available here, Isik Fikrit can be said to give the ideology of clonal
forestry, but without going deep into the arguments beside gain (e.g. time, cost and
Steve Lee has given me his lecture explaining
the UK Sitka spruce family forestry with some enthusiasm
Use of vegetative propagation (a first step of SE followed by cuttings) for Sitka spruce on Ireland
Advertisement of nursery selling Sitka rooted cuttings (cost
magnitude 40c/plant, added cost over seedlings of magnitude 15c)
I got and inserted a number of links from Queebec, they do not seem to work now, if they work later I can use them.
Seed size and family
effects on vegetative propagation rates of stock plants for the mass cutting
propagation of white spruce (Picea
in Québec”,
by Denise Tousignant, Mohammed S. Lamhamedi, Fabienne Colas and Michel Rioux
Om SE i Queebec
Det har fördelar att hålla olika frö-fraktioner isär vid
produktion av plantor avsedda för sticklingsproduktion
Bra sticklingar av gran kan erhållas med SE-förökade
plantor som moderplantor
Sticklingsproduktionsstatistik från Queebec
Meeting of the Nordic
Group for the Management of Genetic Resources of Trees
Clonal forestry - Who are you kidding? Many powerpoint-shows
The meeting took place between 3rd to
5th September 2002 in Edinburgh.
Lindgren D and 2003. Full sib forestry. Unpublished manus
Species or wide provenance hybrids
Evidently bulk propagation of
controlled crosses is an excellent way of utilizing hybrid advantages, where
such has been proven. Luc Paque (080808 on TREEBREEDEX discussion web said): "For hybrid larch, I pushed
quite much on vegetative propagation (bulk) of full-sib families for many
reasons including better control of hybrid purity, quicker turn-over of improved
varieties, easier construction of hybrid family mixtures, etc"
In Queensland Australia there is a CP
forestry program with hoop pine comprising 700 ha/year, now all plantings are
with CP.
Pâques L.E. 2002. Larch Tree Improvement Programme in France. In Proc.
Larix 2002 International Conference, Gap (France), September 16-21, 2002. pp.
Harrison A.J., Hoffmann D., Kannenberg N., Lelu M.A., Verger M., Le Pichon C.,
Bourlon V., Thompson D. 2002. Devlopments in Hybrid larch (Larix x eurolepis
Henry) vegetative propagation in North Western Europe. In Proc. Larix 2002
International Conference, Gap (France), September 16-21, 2002. pp. 250-265.
Undergraduate lectures Dag Lindgren 2003:
Clonal Forestry
Genetic diversity
Karl-Anders Högberg thesis 2003.
Cellfor comment:
Dag Lindgren had a presentation in a meeting in Poland 2007 with some relevance: Norway spruce breeding in Sweden is based on clone testing The powerpoint show was updated in Kaunas in April 2008. Manuscript Dendrobiology in press.
Hardwoods etc. There is a market for in vitro
plants of hardwoods (and different non-forest plants) and they are also an
easier and more well-established technologically to do, thus there are more
options for vegetative propagation but the plants are more expensive (beyond
what may create an interest on the ordinary forest plant market in Northern
The price for a wild cherry in vitro plant (clone) is in the
magnitude 2€
Dag Lindgren luftar ibland sina synpunkter på SLUs
forskarblogg och har deltagit i ett replikskifte som har anknytning till
konferensens ämne:
forskarbloggen: Framtidens skogsbruk eller… miljörörelsen är utbränd!
A slide from Metla forest picture show summarizes what is
experienced as difficulties:
Familjeskogsbruk. Ingångslänkar till svensk propagandakampanj
About other matters in Punkaharju than the conference:
Finland Forest Research Institute suggests improving its competitive edge and
abilities to do research by closing its main forest genetic research centre!!
(There are people good at formulating news both at the Metla board and some of
the proponents for clonal forestry!). Not quite surprising after the visit by
the Finnish prime minister in Sept mentioned above, it came a
statement by Minister for Agriculture and Forestry, Sirkka-Liisa Anttila, in Nov
2008 that the forest research and breeding activities at Punkaharju will
continue. Still it may not be the last word. But Finland has observed the
approaching downs in conjunctures and that is predicted to hit especially hard in
the areas where research station were suggested to be closed so that is a strong
reason for the Finnish government to place the issue on ice, at least till there
is a new government....
Last edit 2009-06-09