Breeding and genetics of forest trees



Here are links to presentations and other web matters, which may be relevant for those, who like to improve their knowledge or search for something about tree breeding, forest genetics and seed orchards. This is Dag Lindgren´s web. Dag Lindgren ( ) is retired since 2009, but still maintains this web sometimes.

* An international seed orchard conference will occur in Sweden 4-6 September 2017.

* A new journal for reforestation has started (REFORESTA)!

* An environmental page “naturvårdssida” (in Swenglish). De sista åren har behovet av åtgärder för att skydda arter och som symbol lavskrika , stått i fokus. Viktiga bidrag är en beräkning av det observerade utdöendet av de mest hotade arterna i ”rödlistan” mellan 2000 och 2015, en analys av den (låga) utdöenderisken för skogsarter , och föredraget: ”överbeskydd av arter i den svenska skogen.

* A rewiew about oak genetics by Gösta Eriksson (2016) at .

* News list referring to Forest and tree genetic diversity

* A compilation about knowledge relevant mainly relevant for production by the Forest Authority issued February 2016
* Forest tree breeding in Scandinavia and Finland

* A general actual description of Swedish Forestry which may be a good entry for foreigners

* Information about Dag Lindgren seed orchard (at Brån near Vännäs by) and lecture hall (at Vännfors, forest genetic demonstration area)
* Analys av lövträdsförädling: Some inspiration from Lindgren&Wei gene resource stands while low input breeding acknowledged.
* A study about the advantages of different breeding methods
* Gösta Eriksson and others have been productive in producing books after retirement, the latest appeared early 2014 Genetics applied to forestry. The books and texts can be downloaded from  But two years later it was not the last book!!!!! (see above)
* A book on forestry was published 2014 (Fenning editor) including a chapter by me:   __
* Skogsstyrelsen har skrivit en rapport om klonskogsbruk.

* Global warming. Some comments, lectures and links are found here!

I think it is very regrettable that the survival time of links is so low and does not increase. That is a reason it is very difficult to inform about interesting information by links. That is one of the signs it is something wrong with our society.

Seed orchards_ Many entries also in Swedish, I believe seed orchards are very important
The seed orchard Västerhus  web place got the information updated because planned visits, many results and intensive reporting on its plastic isolation tent. Västerhus can be seen as the most advanced seed orchard in Sweden in full production and it is the most recently researched Swedish seed orchard today .

About ”family forestry” thus mainly the use of offspring of a few plustrees for deployment to forestry, mainly by amplification through vegetative propagation. Mainly in Swedish, the first page is Swedish, but there are relevant English links: "Familjeskogsbruk"(for Swedish forestry) and a little wider variety of link selections

IUFRO Seed Orchard Working Party  I managed this very unofficially for the working party till 2014. However now I am not officially involved any more and the content of this site is mainly only of historic value.

 A report to FAO about Swedish Forest genetic resources has been prepared:

Seminars and presentations by Dag Lindgren in English __

Seminarier, presentationer och inlägg av Dag Lindgren på svenska. __

 Publications by Dag Lindgren Thesis since 1999 with Dag Lindgren as main supervisor

 TREEBREEDEX-matters __

Documents and documentations__

Reflections  __

_Tree Breeding Tools (TBT), programs for analyzing and optimizing tree breeding 

__ Introduction (to TBT, but relevant for other parts of this web-site). Many of these tools do not work well now, but the EXCEL-sheets generally works.

 Links I have found useful.

Recent presentations I made or contributed to since my retirement 091001
Networks with forest genetic field trials. Warzawa 2010.__
Breeding Cycler Orleans 2009 __
Seed orchards in a warm Future. Hangzhou and Seoul 2010,__
Relatives in seed orchards and clonal mixtures Seoul 2010 __

Skogforsk issued a report to the government April 2010 in Swedish which is instructive about forest tree breeding. Dag Lindgren har utarbetat en del (bilaga 5 Genetisk variation) som jag gett en egen hemsida. Kanske detta avsnitt kommer att bearbetas y

Links to meetings Dag Lindgren participated in and offer some information about:   Nordic cooperation ; China02 (Eucalypts), Iceland 03,__ Charleston 04,__ Komi 05 (Breeding Strategies),__ Antalya 06 (Low input Breeding), Poland 07 (Norway spruce),  Umeå 07 (Seed orchards), Madrid 2008,(adaptation) Finland 2008 (Vegetative propagation), Hann Munden 2009 (zone delineation), Korea 2009 (Seed orchards) own contributions, Seoul 2010 (IUFRO World Congress) Opening lecture at the Turkey 2012 seed orchard conference.; _Turkey 2012 seed orchards;   Prague 2014 forest tree breeding ;

 En länk för CFOP inlägg/föredragningar __

Dag Lindgren's personal homepage __  

_ Skogsgenetikens historia __

Remaining interesting links and pages    __   Old sides and newsletters  __

En publiceringsanalys av internationell publicering om tall

Jag tänkte en del över frötäkt och så småningom ledde detta till att frötäkt är tillåtet nästan överallt i Sverige! Frötäkt - bakgrund och tankar;

Getting old.

I retired 090930. I started to collect things happening when I got old, some were quite good for me! I started a page with directions  for these different "memorials". I got the best possible retirement present a professor can dream about! That is to successfully mentor and collaborate with students resulting in good doctoral research. My student Finnvid Prescher got the International Union of Forest Research "Outstanding Doctoral Research Award" at its world congress in Seoul 2010. At the word conferences 2005 and 2000 my students also got "Outstanding Doctoral Research Award!". It seems I have had the most gifted Forest Genetics students in the World for fifteen years! It also seems that the path of research I chosen has been the right in the opinion of the international research community.

Blogging After retirement I also took up other fields, mostly in Swedish. The declining future (not used as much as intended) and turned mainly to natural conservation) and. I also have a family blog with some links to forest genetics at The dead following Tjernobyl accident Wolves and .

About IT, webs etc. Time goes, some links does not work any more, some material is outdated and not updated. IT is dynamic. Rules, programs, webmasters ideas, security constraints, links, change of servers and equipment, administrative factors, and my own ideas are not constant over time. Both IT-environments and I make mistakes sometimes. Thus, do not be surprised if things do not work or work as they should. Most links on this page works but it is more uncertain if you go deeper in the structure. If something worked before it may still be at this web, try browsing. Do not hesitate to get in touch with me if in trouble. It is likely that I maintain this web and my email some time ahead; the University seems to agree a year more.

Last edited 17-02-25